The Innovation Network Research Team of our school publishes a paper in Transportation Science which is a top journal in both the operations research and management field and the transportation research field


The paper with title “A Dynamic Holding Approach to Stabilizing a Bus Line Based on the Q-Learning Algorithm with Multistage Look-Ahead” authored by teachers of our school including Shengxue He, Jianjia He, Shidong Liang, Qiong Dong, and Pengcheng Yuan published on-line in Transportation Science which is a top journal in both the operations and management field and the transportation research field. Transportation Science is one of 11 journals of INFORMS. This journal is quarterly and publishes only about 80 papers in one year. The time required for a paper from its submission to being published is about three years. It takes about half and five years for us to going through the above process. This journal is well-known and recognized as a top journal in the operations research and transportation research fields. Its Impact Factor of 2020 is 4.117. This journal also belongs to the TOP A journal of our school. This is the first time of publishing a paper authored by teachers from our university in one of the eleven journals of INFORMS. This means an important breakthrough of our university in the related research field.

 In order to improve the stability of a bus line and prevent bus bunching, an adaptive dynamic holding strategy is proposed in the published paper. By combining the approximate dynamic programming theory and the multi-stage look-ahead mechanism, the new approach presented in the paper not only makes full use of the past experience of control, but also forecasts the future states of the transit system in a controllable way. The results from substantial simulated experiments verified the effectiveness of the new approach. The following conclusion is obtained that if the new strategy is implemented, the stability of the bus line can be improved greatly and the average waiting time of passengers will decreased accordingly. In this research, the deep learning theory is applied to transportation management. It is a successful practice of our university advancing the research by multidisciplinary cooperation.

Except the above paper, in recent years through the multidisciplinary cooperation, such as transportation management and intelligent production, Dr. Shengxue He and his team mates have published several important research results in other famous journals well-known around the world including Transportation Research Part ATransportation Research Part BTransportation Research Part CTechnological Forecasting And Social Change, etc.





Attachment: The eleven Journals of INFORMS

1.    Decision Analysis

2.    Information Systems Research

3.    INFORMS Journal on Computing

4.    Interfaces

5.    Management Science

6.    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

7.    Marketing Science

8.    Mathematics of Operations Research

9.    Operations Research

10.  Organization Science

11.  Transportation Science

 Contributor: HE Shengxue
