Department of Transportation System Engineering held a seminar on the Major Accreditation of Traffic Engineering


The Department of Transportation System Engineering (TSE) held a seminar on the Major Accreditation of Traffic Engineering on 17th Nov 2021, in the Meeting Room 810 at the BS-USST. Prof. BAI Yu, vice dean in education in the College of Transportation Engineering at Tongji University, was invited to share her experience in applying for accreditation of the undergraduate program of traffic engineering of Tongji University. The seminar was chaired by Prof. ZHAO Jing, the director of Department of TSE, and Dr. LIU Weiwei, the deputy director of Department of TSE. Prof. HAN Yin, the discipline leader of the Department of TSE, Dr. YAO Jiao, Party Secretary of TSE, and other faculties attended this seminar.

Prof. BAI Yu first gave a detailed introduction to the standards of engineering education accreditation, basic requirements and main contents of the application form, and then shared her successful experience in preparing and applying for the major accreditation of Traffic Engineering of Tongji University. Prof. BAI Yu emphasized that the TSE Department should carry out the reform of teaching evaluation early, and conduct questionnaire surveys periodically to existing students and alumni within five years after graduation in the name of the department. It is also needed to establish a mechanism aiming for continuous improvement.

In the end, the participants discussed the current status, development goals and direction of the traffic engineering program of USST, and also exchanged deeply in ideological and political teaching methods. The seminar laid the foundation for the accreditation of traffic engineering as a academic major at USST, which is of great significance to the development of undergraduate majors in traffic engineering.

Prof. BAI Yu was introducing the Major Accreditation of Traffic Engineering

Anticipants were discussing course development

Prof. BAI Yu was sharing her experience

Translator: TAO Xiangming

Reviewer: ZHOU Huijun
