Admission of Master Program


Master DegreePrograms

Through innovative measures, Business School has seen a steady improvement in the academic quality of its students. It has attracted top-ranked students from Tsinghua University, Shandong University, Southeast University, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From 2012 to 2016, the School's enrollment rate each year was 100%. The School continually strives to improve the education level of its post-graduate students through measures such as:

(1)  MasterEducation Resources.The School provides a number of bases for innovative research and talenttraining designed specifically to improve the education level of post-graduatestudents. Examples include the National Engineering Research Center, theNational University Science and Technology Park, and the National TechnologyTransfer Demonstration Institution.TheSchool has alsobuilt new research and development platforms andbases at the provincial and ministerial level. These include the ShanghaiSocial Science Innovation Research Base and the Shanghai Municipal People'sGovernment Decision-Making Consulting Research Base.

(2)  MasterCourse Development.Business School actively engages in the construction and development ofcurricula and teaching materials that are designed specifically to (a) improvethe quality of graduate education; (b) build an international graduate studentcurriculum system; and (c) expand the innovation ability of graduate students.

(3)  MasterInnovative Education. Inorder to promote innovation and the sharing of quality resources, the School sharedits academic platform for graduate students through the Special EducationCommittee and purposefully created an innovative atmosphere to inspire and strengtheninnovative consciousness, spirit, and ability. Each year, the School organizesstudents to participate in graduate training and innovation base projects,innovation BBS, and summer school activities. Each year, the School has sentfrom 15 to 25 students to the corresponding professional annual meeting and hasorganized students to participate in the academic BBS class. The School hasalso organized students to apply for various post-graduate research andinnovation projects. For example, Wang Jiangpan, a master's degree student ingrade 2013, was awarded funding from the innovation program for universitystudents. His project focused on information dissemination and the nodeimportance of networks.

Admission of Master Program

1. Enrollment Plan

2300 full-time post-graduatestudents include 1300 for academic degree, and 1000 for full time professionaldegree. And another 17 part-time post-graduate students.

2. Educational System

Full-time post-graduatestudents

2 years for Master ofBusiness Administration (125100) and Master of Engineering Management (125600).2.5 years for the other majors.

Part-time post-graduatestudents

2 years for Master ofBusiness Administration (125100), Master of Public Administration (125200), andMaster of Engineering Management (125600). 3 years for the other majors.

3. Admission Requirements

(1) A bachelor’s degreereceived before September 1 of each year.

(2) A state recognizedcollege degree.

(2) A master's or doctoraldegree.

4. Registration forEntrance Exam Procedures: online registration and on-site confirmation

5. Preliminary test

(1) Candidates shouldbring printed admission ticket and identification card toparticipate in the exam.

(2) The date of thepreliminary test is determined by the Ministry of Education.

(3) The subjects of the preliminarytest are listed in the school’s enrollment directory. Test methods are writtenexamination.

6. Re-test: the time,place, and content of re-examination are decided by each school.

7. Tuition Fees

(1) Full-time post-graduatestudent

Master of BusinessAdministration (125100): 118,000RMB / 2 years

Master of EngineeringManagement (125600): 78,000RMB / 2 years.

(2) Part-timepost-graduate student

Master of BusinessAdministration (125100): 118,000 RMB / 2 years

Master of PublicAdministration (125200): 56,000 RMB/ 2 years

Master of Management(125600): 78,000RMB/ 2 years.

Master of Projectmanagement: 12,000RMB / 1 year,

Other Master majors:10,000RMB/ 1 year.
